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Dr. Paraskevi Manolaki

Senior Researcher & Adjunct Faculty Τutor
Interests: Aquatic ecology, Aquatic plant assemblages and traits, ecosystem services
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-3958-0199

Researcher ID: K-2342-2016

ORCID / Research Gate / Google Scholar / LinkedIn 


About me

Paraskevi holds a Ph.D. in Aquatic Ecology (University of Patras, Department of Plant Ecology) entitled “Ecological assessment of Acheron and Louros river, W. Greece and their catchment area using aquatic macrophytes as biological indicators”, and a Bachelor (B.Sc.) in Biology (University of Patras). Her main research interests involve freshwater ecology and management including functional aspects of river communities, evaluation of ecological quality, dynamics of aquatic and riparian vegetation, landscape ecology, human activities and change detection analysis, effects of global changes on aquatic ecosystems and the assessment of ecosystem services.

She worked as a member of the scientific team of Plant Ecology (Patras University) from 2005-2013 and in 2014, she was awarded a two-year post-doctoral position at the Open University of Cyprus (OUC).  Since 2005 she has participated in several research projects where her main research field was the assessment of the ecological quality of freshwater ecosystems as demanded by the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). She participated in the Mediterranean Intercalibration Process (2006-2011) for rivers as a macrophyte expert for Cyprus and Greece. She has also been involved as a macrophytes expert on the determination of the evaluation criteria of the ecological status on temporary salt lakes (Larnaca salt lake complex). She is a co-author of 32 peer-reviewed papers published in international scientific journals and 3 peer-reviewed papers in conference proceedings from 2011-2020 in collaboration with > 150 different researchers from 18 different countries.

She is a former AIAS-COFUND (Marie Curie) Postdoctoral Fellow, Aarhus Advanced Institute of Advanced Science, AIAS, Aarhus University, Denmark and currently she works as a senior researcher at the OUC.


Selected Publication

  1. Paraskevi Manolaki, Ada Pastor, Krister Karttunen, Kun Guo, Tenna Riis. Effects of temperature and nutrient enrichment on Arctic moss growth and productivity. Polar Biology

  2. Manolaki Paraskevi, Gimenez-Grau Pau, Pastor Ada, Baattrup-Pedersen Annette, Riis Tenna. 2022. Weed cutting in a large river reduces ecosystem metabolic rates. Journal of Environmental Management 314, 115014.

  3. Nucci A., Angiolini, Manolaki, P., Vogiatzakis, I.N. An integrated approach for conservation assessment in a Mediterranean river basin. Land use Policy, 119, 106217.

  4. Pastor, A., Manolaki, P., Freixa, A. et al. 2021. Temperature-induced changes in biofilm organic matter utilization in arctic streams (Disko Island, Greenland). Polar Biol. 44, 2177–2188.

  5. Mousikos, A., Manolaki, P., Knez, N., Vogiatzakis, I.N. 2022. Can distribution modelling inform rare and endangered species monitoring in Mediterranean islands? Can distribution modeling inform rare and endangered species monitoring in Mediterranean islands? Ecological Informatics, 66, 101434.

  6. Ioanna Ioannidou, Paraskevi Manolaki, Vassilios Litskas, Ioannis Vogiatzakis. 2021. Temporary Salt Lakes: Ecosystem Services Shift in a Ramsar Site over a 50-Year Period. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9.

  7. Manolaki Paraskevi, Olesen Annica, Hvidt Bjørg Graves, Lauridsen L. Torben, Riis Tenna. 2021. Investigating emergent macrophytes establishment rate and propagation towards constructed wetlands efficacy optimization. Knowl. Manag. Aquat. Ecosyst. 2021, 422, 23.

  8. Manolaki P., Tooulakou G., Klapa M., Eller F., Byberg U. C., Sorrell K. B., Riis T. 2020. Systems Biology Approaches in Ecophysiology: Probing the amphibious plant Butomus umbellatus response to light limitation and nutrient overloading. Frontiers in Plant Science.11:1972 (IF: 4.407)

  9. Manolaki P., M.B. Mouridsen, N. Nielsen, A. Olesen, S.M. Jensen, T.L. Lauridsen, A. Baattrup-Pedersen, B. Sorrell, T. Riis. 2020. A comparison of nutrient uptake efficiency and growth rate between different macrophyte growth forms. Journal of Environmental Management, 274, 111181 (IF: 5.6).

  10. Riis T., Kelly-Quinn M., Aguiar F., Manolaki P. et al., Global overview of ecosystem services provided by riparian vegetation. BioScience 1–14 (IF:5.97).

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