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Work in TemLab is based on traditional approaches to ecosystem management coupled with landscape ecology principles, namely the importance of spatial configuration of ecological processes and the emphasis on larger spatial extents. Our research revolves around three pillars that intertwine: 


Mediterranean Ecosystems

We have a keen interest on environmental change on mountains and islands of the Mediterranean region. We have worked in a systematic manner with ecological monitoring of European priority habitats (Mediterranean temporary ponds, Juniperus forests and sand dunes) as well as protected areas in Mediterranean islands (Crete, Sardinia, Cyprus).

Landscape scale conservation

Research under this pillar focuses on the effect of  landscape structure on  biodiversity , landscape  character assessment and applications in ecological research including habitat restoration and re-creation and the designation of protected areas. We are also interested in the integration of nature and culture through the landscape framework for effective conservation delivery.

Spatial Analysis


The main topics of research under this pillar include GIS and remote sensing applications for species and vegetation mapping and modeling as well as systematic conservation planning under climate change. In addition we seek to assess the spatial relationships between ecosystem services and the two main drivers of environmental change i.e. land use change and climate change.

For further information on the Lab's research activities, opportunities and placements drop us a line.

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